Step 1: Create Your Account
Visit to create your free account.
Once logged in, complete the three required forms under the “Forms” section in your account. (Medical Form, Athlete Intake Form, Release of Liability Form)
For 1-on-1 Training​
Step 2: Choose Your Training Option
Option 1: Purchase the Specialized Package (12 sessions, no expiration, discounted rate for 1-on-1 training) under the “Packages” tab.
Option 2: Book individual sessions through the “Book Online” tab for pay-as-you-go flexibility.
Step 3: Book Your Sessions
For Strength/Speed Training:
Assessment (every 2–3 months)
Change of Direction + Full Body Lift(We recommend at least two sessions per week for optimal results.)
For Skill Development:
Linebacker & Defensive Line Training (1–2 sessions per week recommended).
Note: Defensive Line/Linebacker training sessions appear outside Specialized Training slots but can still be booked with the Specialized Package.
Step 4: For Specialized Package Users
Even after purchasing the package, be sure to schedule your sessions via the “Book Online” tab.
For Group Training
Step 2: Choose Your Option
Option 1: Purchase the Performance Package (12 sessions, never expire, discounted rate group sessions) under the “Packages” tab for discounted group rates.
Option 2: Book sessions individually through the “Book Online” tab for pay-as-you-go flexibility.
Step 3: Book Your Sessions
For Strength/Speed Work:
Assessment (every 4 weeks)
Change of Direction + Full Body Lift
(At least two sessions per week are recommended.)
For Skill Work:
Linebacker & Defensive Line Training (1–2 sessions per week recommended).
Step 4: For Performance Package Users
Schedule sessions through the “Book Online” tab.
Assessments replace regular strength/speed sessions from Monday to Thursday every 4 weeks. Complete your assessment during this time and resume regular sessions on Friday and Saturday.