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Step 1: Create Your Account

  • Visit to create your free account.

  • Once logged in, complete the three required forms under the “Forms” section in your account. (Medical Form, Athlete Intake Form, Release of Liability Form)

For 1-on-1 Training​

Step 2: Choose Your Training Option

  • Option 1: Purchase the Specialized Package (12 sessions, no expiration, discounted rate for 1-on-1 training) under the “Packages” tab.

  • Option 2: Book individual sessions through the “Book Online” tab for pay-as-you-go flexibility.

Step 3: Book Your Sessions

Note: Defensive Line/Linebacker training sessions appear outside Specialized Training slots but can still be booked with the Specialized Package.

Step 4: For Specialized Package Users
Even after purchasing the package, be sure to schedule your sessions via the “Book Online” tab.


For Group Training

Step 2: Choose Your Option

  • Option 1: Purchase the Performance Package (12 sessions, never expire, discounted rate group sessions) under the “Packages” tab for discounted group rates.

  • Option 2: Book sessions individually through the “Book Online” tab for pay-as-you-go flexibility.

Step 3: Book Your Sessions

Step 4: For Performance Package Users

  • Schedule sessions through the “Book Online” tab.

  • Assessments replace regular strength/speed sessions from Monday to Thursday every 4 weeks. Complete your assessment during this time and resume regular sessions on Friday and Saturday.


Group Training
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